jueves, febrero 6, 2025

Poemes en anglès

Aquí us deixem uns exemples de poemes fets en una hora de classe de la matèria
«English B» (Batxillerat Internacional) que tenen a veure amb les xarxes socials:

THE TRIP TO JAPAN – Roger Català i Adrián González

The first time I travelled
I went to Japan.
There, I met a young girl
while drinking Champagne.

She was so pretty,
more than my mom.
She had no filters:
didn’t exist Instagram.

I should have asked her out,
even if I was ashamed,
Now I would send a WhatsApp
for trying to get the same.

Years have passed
since I ran away,
but I keep my hoping
to find her someway.

A friend of mine has told me
she wants to go to Japan,
as she has remembered
she promised to visit a man.

I want to take profit
and build up a plan.
I wish I can find her,
I want to drink that Champagne.


It was disappointing
to find her again:
she only took photos;
Snapchat had destroyed her brain.

Feu clic  a l’enllaç per descarregar el poema original

MASKS – Arnau Vergés i Hug CampsI fell in love with a girl
that I met on Instagram,
but all the problems came
when she turned on the videocam.
Because she was 82,
82 years old,
and a thing that learned
is that time is gold.I met another one
this one in a Facebook page
and this time
I asked about her age.
When she gave me her Instagram
I discovered she was fan of Trump.
Of course,
I decided to run.Oh, little child!
don’t believe everything you see,
I hope don’t happen to you
the same that happened to me.
Not their fault – Lali Diaz, Queralt Ruhí i Quim VillalbaIt’s because of your phone
your head spins, your eyes burn,
your brain’s about to burst,
you feel like you are so gone.Of course you had to fall
you don’t notice what’s in front
Who could be to blame?
It’s surely Facebook’s fault.Oh, It’s because of your phone
you don’t sleep, lack of rest
“Turn it off! You’re obsessed!”
Ain’t that sound like your mom?But all the friends that you have
you’re no longer on your own
your mind feels more open now
And it’s all,
all because of your phone.What a Wonderful World – Elisenda Baró, Núria Paisano

Every day you wake me up
with your vibration and your pop-ups.
You show me the real life
where cats don’t scratch and dogs don’t bite.
We don’t need makeup anymore:
filters do the same – that’s for sure!
My friends lives are perfect
and so are their styles-
regardless we’re separated
by more than a hundred miles.
I love you even when you’re a copycat-
don’t you think so, Snapchat?
Thanks to the 24-hour-long stories
we can pick on anyone with no worries.
You distract us from our own lives:
I only wish for ten more likes.
The world is like a reality show.
Thank’s Instagram- never let me go!

Follow me (@mariannerta) – Anna Riu, Berta Flores, Maria Garriga

Follow me (@mariannerta)
I’m being followed.
And I’m scared,
and I want to run,
and I want to hide,
what to do, what to do.
I don’t know them.
Why would they follow me?
It doesn’t make sense.
Who are they?
“@isaacyellowstone27 is now following you”
I click on his profile
who is he?
I don’t know,
I don’t care.
ting! ting! ting!
“@isaacyellowstone liked 17 pictures”
It makes sense,
more likes,
more followers.
I’m being followed